Accredited laboratory

CISA accredits its laboratory to guarantee the impartiality and quality of the tests conducted on its products and the results declared. An achievement in line with the mission of the brand, a benchmark in the security sector. 


Laboratory accreditation means
«Attestation or certification by the national accreditation body certifying that a conformity assessment body satisfies the criteria established by harmonised standards and, where appropriate, any other supplementary requirements, including those defined in the relevant sector programmes, for conducting specific conformity assessment activities» REG (EC) No. 765/2008

Accreditation guarantees:

  • Impartiality: representation of all interested parties within the laboratory.
  • Independence: the auditors and committees tasked with issuing the certification/report guarantee there are no conflicts of interest with the organisation that is being certified.
  • Correctness: European standards forbid consultancy services either directly or through associated companies.
  • Competence: accreditation certifies primarily that the staff performing the assessment are culturally, technically and professionally qualified.

Accreditation certifies the quality of the work of a laboratory, verifying that its management system and its competences comply with internationally recognised requirements and standards, including all legal obligations.

Only accredited test laboratories are able to provide the market with reliable, credible declarations of conformity which are accepted globally.